Training cmAcm*
*cmAcm: leather goods center Atelier chris murner
Repair and customization courses
Do you have a bag, belt or accessory you’d like to repair or customize yourself?
Monday mornings from 17.02
We’ll estimate the work involved and you can take as many courses as you like.
You’ll be introduced to the different techniques involved in making leather goods.
Registration now open!
Further details and registration:
022 342 72 25
Introduction to leather goods: Create your own bag
Learn the basics of manufacturing.
From 14.02.25 to 6.06.25 : SOLD OUT
Make a key ring, accordion purse and bag of your choice using the cube assembly (design, template, production and choice of materials).
Further details and registration for the next session:
022 342 72 25
cmAcm training
Master Class: Modules
The cmAcm technology courses (10 modules) are part of a program of different leather goods training themes.
It is advisable to complete your training according to your personal objectives, by choosing the modules of your choice.
They will enable you to acquire the essential technical basics of leather goods.
cmAcm training
Master Class Pro
3-year vocational training program. This training course for adults will enable you to acquire highly technical know-how encompassing the practical and technological aspects of leatherwork.
History cmAcm
Presentation of the different cmAcm training courses from 2005 to 2021.